Claudia Fevola: Vector Spaces of Generalized Euler Integrals
Time: Tue 2023-04-18 10.15
Location: 3721, Lindstedtsvägen 25, and Zoom
Video link: Meeting ID: 621 8808 6001
Participating: Claudia Fevola (MPI MiS, Leipzig)
We study vector spaces associated to a family of generalized Euler integrals. Their dimension is given by the Euler characteristic of a very affine variety. Motivated by Feynman integrals from particle physics, this has been investigated using tools from homological algebra and the theory of D-modules. In this talk, I will present an overview of the main tools needed to study these vector spaces, namely twisted de Rham cohomology and Mellin transform. Finally, I will discuss relations between these approaches.
This is a joint project with Daniele Agostini, Anna-Laura Sattelberger, and Simon Telen.