Alvin Malmqvist: QR-koder: Steg för steg
Bachelor Thesis
Time: Fri 2025-02-07 15.00 - 16.00
Location: Cramérrummet
Respondent: Alvin Malmqvist
Supervisor: Per Alexandersson
In this thesis, we delve deep into the world of error-correcting codes, focusing on the mathematical structures that underpin our everyday communication. The study begins by rediscovering error-correcting codes in an intuitive and relatable way, illustrating how the communication methods we use daily have mathematical counterparts. This leads to a foundational discussion, which sets the stage for the more advanced theory covered later, on repetition codes and linear codes. Certain claims and theorems along the way naturally require proof, something this thesis does not shy away from providing.
Once we have built a solid understanding of linear codes, we proceed to introduce Reed-Solomon codes, a cornerstone of modern society. These codes are used in everything from CDs and DVDs to communication with the Voyager spacecraft. We start with a somewhat simplistic approach, quickly increasing the pace and complexity of the codes until we are finally equipped to tackle QR codes. In the final chapter of the thesis, everything we have learned is applied to create a QR code from scratch, step by step.