Gaku Liu:Unimodular triangulations of sufficiently large dilations
Time: Mon 2022-01-17 17.15 - 18.15
Location: Zoom meeting ID: 654 5562 3260
Participating: Gaku Liu
Abstract: An integral polytope is a polytope whose vertices have integer coordinates. A unimodular triangulation of an integral polytope in $\bb R^d$ is a triangulation in which all simplices are integral with volume $1/d!$. A classic result of Kempf, Mumford, and Waterman states that for every integral polytope $P$, there exists a positive integer $c$ such that $cP$ has a unimodular triangulation. We strengthen this result by showing that for every integral polytope $P$, there exists $c$ such that for every positive integer $c' \ge c$, $c'P$ admits a unimodular triangulation.
Zoom meeting ID: 654 5562 3260
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