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Petros Koumoutsakos: AI and Scientific computing for complex systems

Time: Fri 2024-05-31 13.30 - 14.30

Location: Digital Futures Hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2

Participating: Petros Koumoutsakos (Harvard University)

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Over the last thirty years we have experienced more than a billion-fold increase in hardware capabilities and a dizzying pace of acquiring and transmitting massive amounts of data. Scientific Computing and, more lately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been key beneficiaries of these advances. In this talk I would outline the need for bridging the decades long advances in Scientific Computing with those of AI. I will use examples from fluid mechanics to argue for forming alloys of AI and simulations for their prediction and control. I will present novel algorithms for learning the Effective Dynamics (LED) of complex systems and a fusion of multi-agent reinforcement learning and scientific computing (SciMARL) for modeling and control of turbulent flows. I will also show our recent work on Optimizing a Discrete Loss (ODIL) that outperforms popular techniques such as PINNs by several orders of magnitude. I will juxtapose successes and failures and argue that the proper fusion of scientific computing and AI expertise are essential to advance scientific frontiers.