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Patrizio Pelliccione: Architecting the next generation of vehicles

Time: Mon 2016-11-14 13.15

Location: Room 1440 Biblioteket, Lindstedtsvägen 3

Participating: Patrizio Pelliccione, Chalmers University of Technology

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Abstract: The automotive domain is living an extremely challenging historical moment since it is shocked by many emerging business and technological needs. Electrification, autonomous driving, and connected cars are some of the driving needs in this changing world. Increasingly, vehicles are becoming software-intensive complex systems and most of the innovation within the automotive industry is based on electronics and software. Modern vehicles can have over 100 Electronic Control Units (ECUs), which are small computers, together executing gigabytes of software. ECUs are connected to each other through several networks within the car, and the car is increasingly connected with the outside world. These novelties ask for a change on how the software is engineered and produced and for a disruptive renovation of the electrical and software architecture of the car.

In this talk I will present the current investigation within Volvo Cars to create an architecture framework able to cope with the complexity and needs of present and future vehicles. Specifically, I will present scenarios that describe demands for the architectural framework and introduce three new viewpoints that need to be taken into account for future architectural decisions: Continuous Integration and Deployment, Ecosystem and Transparency, and car as a constituent of a System of Systems.


Patrizio Pelliccione is Associate Professor at the Chalmers University of Technology | University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He got his PhD in 2005 at the University of L'Aquila and since February 1, 2014 he is Docent in Software Engineering, title given by the University of Gothenburg. His research topics are mainly in software technology and software engineering, and include, among others, software architectures modelling and verification, model-driven engineering, and formal methods. He has co-authored more than 100 publications in journals and international conferences and workshops in these themes.

He has been on the program committees for several top conferences like ICSE, ASE, ISSTA, ISSRE, WICSA, etc. and is a reviewer for top journals in the software engineering domain, like TSE, TOSEM, ASE journal, SoSym, SCP, IST, JSS, etc. He will be the program chair of ICSA 2017, the international conference on software architecture ( ). He is very active in European and National projects. In his research activity he has collaborated with several industries such as Volvo Cars, Volvo AB, Ericsson, Jeppesen, Axis communication, Thales Italia, Selex Marconi telecommunications, Siemens, Saab, TERMA, etc. More information is available at .